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Celebrating the USO for More Than 7 Decades
The United Service Organizations (USO) has been an important part of military life for over seven decades. The agency is a private, non-profit organization that works with the Department of Defense (DOD) to offer help for military families including being an emergency contact resource for troops overseas. Family members can contact troops stationed overseas through the USO and get financial help with travel and funeral arrangements. When the USO was formed, organizers wanted to use the organization to put together programs, events and services to boost the morale of the troops while also promoting American involvement in WWII. As the years progressed, the traveling USO show performing at locations where soldiers are deployed proved to be a huge success. The USO has roots in six separate organizations including the Salvation Army, YMCA, YWCA, Catholic Community Services, National Travelers Aid Association and the National Jewish Welfare Board. These agencies have all combined resources to start the USO and continue to provide benefits to troops and their families.
This year we celebrate the USO on February 4, 2020.
During the month of February, the USO will organize different activities and events to honor its rich history. Military bases in over 200 locations will have their own local activities to honor the organization. You can participate in your own celebration by attending a USO sponsored event at a military base, USO location, etc. You can also volunteer your time, donate money or participate in hosting an event. All donations to the USO are tax deductible and help the USO continue to provide much needed services to the troops and their families.
Has the USO supported you? Share a comment and tell us your story.
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