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Celebrating Valentine’s Day as a Military Spouse
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and if your loved on is deployed, you may feel a bit down or defeated this month. It is hard to think about spending the holiday of love without your loved one, but there are ways to embrace the holiday even if your spouse is overseas.
Try to use the holiday as a time to show your other family and friends how much you love and appreciate them. Valentine’s Day is not limited to love between partners but can be extended to all family and friends. Here are some ways to make love day fun while your spouse is away:
Bake Up a Storm! Get your family together and back some tasty treats. Spend quality time with your children and bake cookies or cupcakes for Valentine’s Day. These cookies will make delicious gifts for friends, family and care packages for your spouse that is deployed.
Get Creative: Homemade Cards Say I Love you! Grab the scissors, construction paper, family photos and glue and make a classic homemade card to say I love you to your spouse. You can also create a cute e-card to save on postage.
Go Out (or stay in) with Friends. No one says you have to stay in alone on Valentine’s Day. Grab your best friends, other military spouses, and get dolled up for a night out at a local happy hour, live music show, or a nice dinner. You can also stay in and host a pot luck dinner with other military families.
Love Yourself: Have a “Me” Day. Give yourself a day to enjoy some “me” time. Go for a hike and get some fresh air, ride a bike around the neighborhood, pamper yourself at a spa, or get a relaxing manicure. Treat yourself to some much-needed R&R and show yourself some love.
Whatever you do, resist the urge to curl up on the couch feeling miserable. It is easy to get down during Valentine’s Day if your loved one is deployed. Remember that your family and friends are there to support you and are most likely feeling it too if they have loved ones also deployed. Reach out and enjoy the day in a different way.
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Honor A Military Family This Valentine’s Day
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